Australian Made

A true Australian manufacturer and end-to-end solution provider.

You need a professional supplier of well-designed products that are compliant, cost-effective and well supported.

Moduplay is a 100% Australian owned Australian manufacturer of play equipment and related products.

That means you enjoy certainty of supply and responsive lifetime support from a dependable partner. It also means you’re supporting Australian jobs and enhancing the strength of local communities.

Moduplay is a 100% Australian owned and Australian manufacturer of play equipment and related products. More than 94% of our products are made right here in Australia.

Why choosing Moduplay means you're choosing the best

Every small decision to buy Australian made creates a ripple effect that eventually benefits you, your family and your friends. It also means you’re choosing the best.

Choosing Moduplay means you’re supporting Australian jobs and enhancing the strength of local communities.

  • Sustainability

    We strive to deliver the smallest possible carbon footprint by manufacturing in Australia and intelligently choosing...
  • Continual Investment

    We invest heavily in IT and automated machinery, as well as the skills of our people. This focus delivers...
  • Fully Local end-to-end service

    All design, engineering, manufacturing, installation, and service is provided from Australia.
  • Australian Prosperity

    Supporting Australian jobs supports and strengthens local communities.
  • Reliability

    We’ve been working with Australian schools, councils and LGAs for over 30 years.
  • Quick Turnaround

    Local means more responsive service, better lead times and faster delivery.